Weekend trip to Cincy and KY

Right now, I am hanging out in Florence, KY.  I left yesterday morning for Cincinnati to visit some friends over the weekend since I hadn't seen them in awhile and they just had another baby a few months ago.  Aahhh! Kids grow like weeds!
My main purpose in coming was just to see them and hang out, but I also had a hankering for good Indian food since Cincinnati is littered with them.  For some reason, I cannot find a single good Indian place in Columbus.  Maybe there is one and I haven't discovered it yet.  But at any rate, we frequented Ambar Indian restaurant last night in the Gaslight district and it was wonderful.  I stuffed myself silly with Chicken Tikka Masala, mango lassi and garlic naan.  We then drove to Florence where I spent the night.  Today will probably be a very chill day, which is why I'm now writing this post!

My running buddy, Sandra, and I went for a long run this past Thursday; we both hadn't planned on running for very long--5 miles tops, we both said.  Well, about a mile or so into our run, my friend tells me to take charge and lead the way.  So I make a turn and off we go onto a trail I'm not really familiar with.  We kept running.  At some point, I knew it had been awhile, but since I have no sense of direction or time, I wasn't really sure how long we'd been running for or for how long.  My friend had her watch on, so she knew, but didn't want to tell me.  We've both learned that it's best to keep me in the dark about time/length during our runs b/c once I know how much I have left, I start whining.  So we keep running.  And running.  And running.

As we got closer to returning to our starting point, my friend asks me to guess how far we've run.  I got excited and said 10 miles, but then I retracted and thought 8.5 was more likely.  I factored in the fact that even though it felt like we'd run 10 miles, it only probably felt longer because the temp was close to the 90's and my friend and I were DRENCHED.
Well, we did 8.2 miles in 1'35".  This makes me happy because my friend and I would like to do the Columbus half marathon in October and this gave me more reassurance and confidence that we might be able to do it.  Everyone tells me that we definitely can.  But I just need to do it a few times to feel absolutely confident about it.  We're certainly not fast by any means, but at this point, I'll be happy to just finish any distance longer than a 5K without feeling like my body is going to break down.

So that was my accomplishment for the week and I definitely will have to work at being more consistent with it in the weeks to come.

Off to enjoy the gorgeous weather here in KY:)


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