Happy 4th!

I wasn't planning on running at all today, but my running buddy, Sandra, called me last night and I can never say no to her running invites:) Sooo, even though it was still kind of hot and muggy (or "moisty" as Sandra says) I got in a 7.6 mile run and I feel really good about it:P  I hardly ever do this, but I decided to get in one lap before Sandra arrived so that it would then force me to do a second lap once she joined me.  In between both laps when I briefly stopped to meet Sandra at her car, I was drenched in sweat and a little voice in my head said, "how are you going to do another lap?!" BUT I pushed that thought away and just DID IT and it was worth it.

After our run, I looked at my friend and said, "Well at least now I know I can do a 10K".  She looked at me with a strange look on her face and said, "Ummm, you did MORE than a 10K just now, my friend, and we've done plenty of 10Ks on our other runs....of COURSE you can do a 10K, silly!"  I know.  But, I've never done an actual 10K race; for some reason, it seems daunting to me.  I just want to stay in my safe little cocoon of 5K races forever.  The idea of doing a marathon seems so very very far away--I don't know if I'll ever be able to do one in the near (or far) future, but it seems logical to me to increase my chances of getting closer to the possibility of it if I do my races in increments: 5K, 10K, 20K/half-marathon, etc.

We're grilling some hamburgers today and other than that, a relatively quiet and uneventful 4th of July.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday and day off (hopefully!).


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