A bunch of alphabet questions for Moi

This whole week I've wanted to post something but have been feeling uninspired.  After the race last weekend, I took a hiatus this week from running which I feel absolutely horrible about--there is really no good reason to take that big a break from running other than I was just a lazy bum this week.  I also wasn't feeling too hot on Monday, so I took the day off and stayed in bed most of the day.  This weekend, my brother and sister in law are coming into town again (they were just here two weeks ago for the OSU game) for another game and invited us to go, so we'll both be going to our first buckeyes game in the whole time we've lived in Columbus.  Ryan and I aren't really football fans, but we'll be with people we know and will be going out for a nice Italian dinner afterward, so it's all good:)

I saw this on another blog and I've been wanting to do a questions post just for the heck of it:

A. Age: 28
B. Bed size: Queen. 
C. Chore that you hate:  Hands down, cleaning/scrubbing down the shower.  I avoid it at all costs and usually find myself cleaning it in a rush before out of town guests come for a visit.
D. Dogs: Zoe and Phoebe, the loves of my life!
E. Essential start to your day:  A hot shower and a cup of coffee.  Oh, and I have a very hard time leaving the house with no makeup on.  I wish I wasn't that kind of girl, but I am:(
F. Favorite color: Blue and yellow
G. Gold or Silver: Silver
H. Height: 5'1"  I'm short.
I. Instruments you play: Violin, viola and piano.
J. Job title:  Freelance violinist, music instructor.
K. Kids: Not right now.  Probably a few years from now.
L. Live: Columbus, OH.
M. Mother’s name: Ilda (pronounced like "Hilda" but without the 'H')
N. Nicknames: G-money; Jalapeno, Chopsticks, Gabs (I have some politically incorrect friends:P)
O. Overnight hospital stays:  None so far.
P. Pet peeves: How many can I list on here?  Drivers who get on my ass, but then slow down when they get in front of me;  people who are loud and abrasive about their insipid opinions on Facebook.
Q. Quote from a movie: "Why come you don't have tattoo?" --Idiocracy
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: A brother who is three years younger.
T. Time you wake up: Way too late, in my opinion: b/t 9-10am.  I usually wake up angry because I didn't hear my alarm or because I stayed up too late the night before.
U. Underwear: Granny panties.  Just kidding!  Just normal cotton underwear, wedgie-free!
V. Vegetable you hate:  This is hard b/c I enjoy most vegetables--maybe lima beans?
W. What makes you run late: I'm never late. I'm always punctual or super early.
X. X-Rays you’ve had:  Just dental.
Y. Yummy food that you make:  I make great fried rice; chicken tikka masala is popular in this house, and of course, my chicken pot pie which I've written a post about before and get a lot of requests for the recipe from people.
Z. Zoo animal: Polar bears, panda bears...just bears overall...I love 'em:)

Feel free to copy and past and insert your own answers!  Would love to know random facts about other bloggers out there!!


Anonymous said…
ooh I think I'll have to try this one and add viola/violin under my instruments too :)

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