There's a first for everything

This weekend, I attended my first OSU Buckeyes game in the entire 4 1/2 years that I've lived in Columbus.  That shocks a lot of the locals, but honestly, I'm just not a football girl.  My brother and sister-in-law had extra tickets (they both attended OSU) and we like hanging out with them, so Ryan and I thought it'd be good to go.  Initially, I was pumped and tried to get into at the beginning...and I was pumped when the marching band came out.  But then more people started showing up into the game and we had limited seating space, so halfway through, I was squeezed between a larger man and my husband with no wiggle room and I was HATING it.  And there was still 2 hours left in the game when the discomfort started.  You want to know what I was wishing the last 2 hours of the game?  That I'd rather be running for 3 hours straight than to sit through another football game, lol! [I actually almost did earlier today, but I'll get to that in a sec.]
Finally, the game ended and we went to Trattoria Roma for dinner where I got the salmon ravioli of which I'm eating leftovers right now.  We all came back to our condo, I made chocolate chip cookies with coarse sea salt for dessert, and we begrudgingly watched The Green Hornet (which sucked) and then went to bed before the movie ended.
I had it in my mind to just take it easy today--veg out on the couch, finish watching my Netflix movies (I also got Black Swan in the mail...has anyone else watched it? Is it good?), practice and then make dinner.  But I made the mistake of returning my friend's phone call and got roped into running 13 miles with her today.  We were a hot mess during the whole run and I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't run the Columbus half marathon this October, especially since I have to play a huge concert on the same day.  I'm pretty sure I injured myself, as my left foot started hurting and hasn't stopped.  I'm a limping mess.  I'm not sure what I did wrong, or if it was just too soon for such a long run.  I didn't feel nearly this bad last weekend at the 12 mile run on hilly trails.   Maybe I'm a better trail runner.  I don't know.

At any rate, my friend and I went to Target after our run and limped throughout the whole store.  We found a lot of goodies which distracted us temporarily from our pain.  I think I'm going to rest for a bit before making dinner.  I really hope I didn't do any major damage to my foot; I'll have to look this up and see what the problem is.

How was your weekend?


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