Here We Go!

Getting ready to head to bed earlier than I normally do b/c of the race tomorrow morning.  I wasn't really super hungry for dinner tonight because I had Chipotle for lunch and gradually ate all of it in between my breaks while teaching (and I had a TON of breaks today....two sick students in a row!) so I kind of felt like I got all my carbs in for the day, but when I got home I realized that I am still very much a married woman and if I don't cook for my husband, he'd probably starve to death.  SO, I made pasta!  Every runner seems to recommend eating pasta before a big run, so this was perfect.  I tossed angel hair pasta with peppers, red onions and grape tomatoes in a garlic cream sauce and made pan-fried chicken on the side.  I feel huge right now.  Good thing I'm running over 12 miles tomorrow:P

On his way home from work, sweet hubby also picked up some gels for us and picked the mocha and espresso flavored gels for me.  I've never tried gels before, so I'll find out whether I like them or if they work tomorrow!  I also laid out a banana next to a jar of almond butter and bread for my breakfast tomorrow morning, as well as iced coffee made ghetto style in a plastic bottle and a Zone bar for the hour and a half drive down to Hocking Hills. 
I'm so nervous...I don't know how I'll feel or what to expect, but luckily, my two running friends are coming with us and so is my brother (who won't be running, just tagging along), so at least I won't be doing this thing all alone:)

To everyone else who might be doing races this weekend or long runs...good luck and good vibes!!


ZonePerfect said…
Good luck this weekend! We're sure you'll do great! ~Brittany @ZonePerfect

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