Nothing better

Yesterday's run:  8.2 miles, 1'26"

I had an eye exam yesterday morning and the office was literally right across the road from the Olentangy Trail head at Worthington Hills, so I headed over as soon as my exam was over and met my friend for a run.  Even before we started, I felt cranky!  I made the huge mistake of running out my door that morning without eating anything substantial (just a few dollops of greek yogurt and a swig of water) assuming that I would have enough time after my eye appointment to grab a power bar or something at the market behind the trail.  Well, this market sucked and didn't even have a health food section.  I walked out empty handed and started our run.  Physically--as far as muscles and bones go--I felt okay; mentally, I was a hot mess and couldn't stop thinking about my empty stomach.  My friend also made me pinky-swear to drink more water this week before we attempt a 12 mile run this Saturday--I'm a very bad water-drinker!

Anyways, I grabbed some pad thai and came home to eat lunch.  Afterwards, a short nap was in order and I've decided that the best naps I've ever had are 1) right after a long run and 2) taken with my nap partner, Phoebe, my loveable yorkie poo!  After sweating so much, my body felt really cold once I was home and nothing felt better than to curl up on my soft couch with a fuzzy dog to keep me warm:) 

Originally, I had planned on running again today, but I don't think it's going to happen.  I think tomorrow will be my last run before I do the race on Saturday, and I'm just going to try to drink as much H20 as possible, eat well and hope for the best!

Does anyone else like to take naps after a big run?  Or am I a big wuss?!:P


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