Woops! Today ISN'T Monday...

The three day weekend really threw me off as I spent the first half of the day thinking it was Monday today!  I'm so glad I was able to spend this weekend with my family, plus I got to see an uncle I haven't seen in over 10 years.  Time really flies.  I can't believe I graduated from high school ten years ago!  Yikes.

Unfortunately, my running fell by the wayside this weekend, although yesterday, I "ran"/walked a 5K.  "Ran" because I had my yorkie poo with me and was taking a walk with my dad and husband, as well.  Phoebe, my dog, is such a loyal sweetie--she tried so hard to run the whole way, but she's a tiny thing, only 7 lbs., so we could only sprint once in awhile.  I'm hoping I can get my butt out of bed early enough tomorrow morning so I can go for a really long run since my last long run was about a week ago.

Hmm, what else is going on?
I was asked to judge violin seating auditions for the Columbus Youth Symphony later this week, so that will be interesting.  I've never judged any kind of audition before. I'm eager to try this out!

I also decided to join this community orchestra in Columbus and our first concert of the year will feature Karen Gomyo playing the Beethoven Violin Concerto, which is one of my favorites.

So, two half-marathons coming up--possibly a few 5Ks thrown in here and there--a new orchestra, students returning from summer vacation, and new experiences all make for a great beginning to the Fall season.  I'm pumped:)

P.S.  I realize that my blog is not as interesting as most blogs that have pics, so I PROMISE one of these days I will get my butt in gear and find a way to upload pics, even though I'm not very photogenic:(  In the meantime, I hope you keep reading!


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