
Ahhh, weekend--where did you go?!?!  Besides my wedding gig, it was pretty  uneventful and far too short.  Yesterday, we stayed in most of the day and I baked and cooked more than any other day last week.  We did step out briefly to catch "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" which I did enjoy, but as always, we got screwed with less than savory clientele at this particular theater, and this couple who traipsed in late made a beeline for the two empty seats right next to us.  Screwed!  I was trying to be positive and whispered to my husband as they zeroed in on the seats that, "maybe they'll choose other seats...these ones are way too close, who does that?"  They did!  Their tushes hadn't even sat all the way down before they were making a bunch of noise, repeating all the lines in the movie, shrieking way too loudly at the CGI apes.

Besides that, the movie was great.  I recommend it!

On a more serious--and unfortunate--note, please, PLEASE keep my grandmother in your prayers.  This morning, I got a message from my mom saying my grandmother (my dad's mom) was in the hospital.  It could possibly be ovarian cancer, but they're not sure yet.  Oncologist will talk to my dad later today.  I'm hoping for the best.

I have a brief break before I go back to my studio to teach three more students.  Today is the last week of the summer schedule and after this, no more morning lessons!  Yay!  Aww, that also means, no more free Fridays:(  I'm okay with that.  I'm ready for Fall to begin.


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