New Goal for 5K

After my double workout lifting weights and running last Thursday, I took a very long break.  I took 2-3 days off and did absolutely nothing assigning all the blame on my aching arms.  My wonderful hubby, however, pushed me to get my bum off the couch on Sunday afternoon and go for a run outside.  He said, "only 3 miles, trust me".  So I trusted him and went.  It was hot.  I was dying.  I whined a lot and stopped a few times to walk.  We finally make it back home and I tell him, "that felt longer than 3 miles", and he says: "well, that's because we ran 5 miles".  I should have thanked him, but I was in a bad mood, so instead I just fumed over the fact that he had "lied".

But now I'm glad he pushed me, and he pushed me again late last night.  On Mondays, we both get home pretty late and eat dinner late as a result.  Since I was making dinner, I figured he wouldn't mention working out so late.  But I check my email and there it is:  "Want to go running when I get home?"  Sigh.  Fine!  So I pop the chicken in the oven and wait for him to get home.  We change and head to the gym where I push myself really hard on the treadmill.  I admit the treadmill is nowhere near the same as just running outside, but at least I can see exactly how fast I'm running, and for awhile, I was keeping up an 8 1/2 minute mile.  I'm now convinced that I have not been pushing myself hard enough in my past runs.  I've been taking it easy.

So this week, my goal is to push myself; I'm running the Dublin 5K this Thursday and my husband suggested I just find a pace leader with the time that I want to make.  I'd like to do a 25-26 min. 5K.  So I'll probably have to stay in the 8.5"/mi. group.  I'm a little scared.  I may chicken out at the last second.  But I hope I still have the drive to try it by Thursday.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said…
You can do it! Don't psych yourself out.
sarah marie said…
good luck! I would have fumed over the 'deception' too, but I guess that's an easy way to run further than you think you can!

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