First run in 10 days, eek!

I went to bed rather late last night (or this morning, I guess) which was pretty stupid since I agreed to meet two of my friends for a run at 8:30 in the morning.  I woke up sometime before my alarm went off because there was a glorious storm, and I'm ashamed to say that my first thought was,  "It's raining? Great! I don't have to run after all today. I can sleep in!"  And I fell asleep and had a scary zombie dream that didn't end very well.  I then woke up and got dressed for our run (it stopped storming just in time...craaap yay).

It was a perfect run:  cool weather with breezes here and there, great company, and minor body pain!  We did close to 8 miles in 1:21:37. Yes, we're all slow when we run together non-competitively.  I'm okay with that if I can increase my distance each time.  I set up a profile with dailymile and recorded all my runs this month, and boy, am I slow when I'm not running a race!  I run at like a 10-11 minute mile pace!  But somehow the three of us manage to do 5Ks under 30 minutes--I suppose it's easier to push myself when it's only a few miles.

We're planning on doing it again this Saturday.  I'm excited, but I'm more excited for where we'll be going AFTER the run:
A food truck! And not just any food truck--they have empanadas!!                                                                                                              

Could life get any better than spending time with friends who not only enjoy working out, but also love to eat as much as I do?  I think not!  Can't wait for the weekend!


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