Let's just pretend that I'm faster than I actually am

Well, I ran the Dublin 5K yesterday evening with mixed results.  I started off trying to stay close behind the person carrying the 8'30" balloons, but eventually, I fell behind and I think I was doing a 9 minute mile pace.  It was SO hot, hotter than the forecast predicted, so I think everyone had a hard time doing this one.  At some point, I caught up with one of my friends, and we pushed it to the finish line where the clock read 26'13".  When I saw that, I thought, "really? woohoo!!"  However,  my hubby and a few other runners who had GPS watches, claimed that the course was only 2.6 miles.  What?!  What kind of race shortens their course without saying anything?  I was a little deflated when I heard that, because considering how NOT fast I feel like I was running, and the finish time I know I had, it kind of made more sense that maybe this 5K really wasn't a 5K.  So if, in fact, we all really did 2.6 miles, my time probably would have been the same--or worse--as all my other previous runs.  Darnit!

Can I still just pretend that my 5K PR is 26'13"?  Pretty please?  Okay, thanks.

Today is one of the few Fridays I have left where I either teach one student or none at all, so I'm going to clean up here and go to my studio a few hours early to practice.  Tomorrow is the hubby's company picnic at the Columbus Zoo, and I LOVE zoos so I'm excited about that.  The Dublin Irish Festival is also happening this weekend, but not sure if we'll also go to that.  I went last year and it was okay.  I really enjoyed the Irish dancing and music--Natalie MacMaster was my favorite--but the food was overpriced and overall, it wasn't that great.

Only a few more weeks of summer, at least as it's defined by when school officially starts.  Going to make the most of it!

Have a great weekend!


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