A Great Friday Run

This morning, I slept in a little longer than I intended to, but I was still determined to get my long run in today.  I pulled into Whetstone Park and walked to the trail where I planned on running and headed south towards downtown Columbus.  I was hoping to get 7 miles and then turn around and go back the same way so it would force me to get in 14 miles; but around mile 5 there was a detour on the Olentangy trail and I made several turns getting lost, so I just decided to turn around and head back.  Going back, I ran up some steps that led to High St. where I decided to run north to get back to my car.  I figured that I could reward myself on the way with a pit stop at Starbucks.  I was parched as I didn't drink enough water before running, and running on High st., I didn't have as much shade as I did on the trail.

Let me tell you, it felt SO incredibly good to walk into that Starbucks!  I ordered a iced venti black tea and an iced water and chugged both a little too fast.  After my stop, I started my watch and continued running the rest of the way to the park.  By the time I got to my car, my watch said 10.1 miles.  This is the farthest I've ever run (I'm not going to get down on myself for stopping for a drink--I desperately needed liquids!) and I still felt pretty good by the time I was done.  I think that I actually could have kept running, which definitely makes me feel more confident about doing the Indian Run 20K next month, and the Columbus Half marathon in October.

If only I had every day free so I could run as much as I want!   At any rate, I can't wait to run on the Olentangy Trail again with a friend, because it was such a nice trail.  There are more trails in Columbus that I'll have to discover in the future.  It helped that the weather has cooled down slightly.  There would be no way I could have done this run a few weeks ago.

On the way home, I stopped by the grocery store and loaded up on tons of fruits and veggies (funny how after a workout, you usually crave the good stuff...well...most of the time!) and got salmon for tonight's dinner.  Afterwards, we'll be going to a bonfire and bringing the pups along.  Tomorrow, I'm playing a 3 hour wedding gig, but other than that, this weekend is free!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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