A Wonderfully Simple Saturday

This morning, I met my two friends at 8:30am for another long run.  We were very, very slow: 8 miles in about 90 minutes, but it was such a fun run.  Maybe one of the most fun ones I've had in a long time.  We started on the Olentangy Trail headed towards downtown Columbus and cut through OSU's campus; we turned around and ran back up on High St. where we passed many temptations including a couple bakeries, a frozen yogurt place (which we later hit up after our run) and a mouth-watering farmer's market.  I never realized how bustling that area was on a Saturday morning!  Now I know where I'll be running every weekend:)

After we indulged ourselves on frozen yogurt (I had dutch chocolate/peanut butter w/ WAY too many toppings) we were still hungry and headed over to the food truck I mentioned in my last post.  I had an arepa, which is a sandwich of sorts made out of cornmeal w/ pork and a spicy green sauce.  It was delicious.

After that, my friends and I parted ways and I stayed in the area for a quick rehearsal w/ a pianist and a former student who I'll be playing with for two church services tomorrow morning.

Well, I'm pretty tired, but I feel so good that I got a lot of stuff done and out of the way this morning; my back patio is a mess so I'll be weeding and cleaning the rest of the weekend.

Completely random--but I'm currently obsessed with the comedian Louis C.K. and his new show "Louis".  He's pretty vulgar, but extremely hilarious.  He sort of reminds me of Larry David, but a little more depressing and darker. 


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